Version date: April 4, 2024

This privacy policy applies to the website, the corporate website of the companies that make up the Cap Vermell Group.

Please read it carefully. In it you will find important information about the processing of your personal data and the rights recognized by current regulations on the matter.

We reserve the right to update our privacy policy at any time for reasons of opportunity, as well as to comply with possible legislative or jurisprudential changes. If you have questions or need any clarification regarding our privacy policy or your rights, you can contact this office through the channels indicated below.

You declare that the data you provide us, now or in the future, are correct and truthful and you agree to inform us of any changes thereto. In the event of providing personal data of third parties, you undertake to obtain the prior consent of those affected and inform them about the content of this policy.

In general, the fields of our forms that are indicated as mandatory must necessarily be completed in order to process your requests. If you do not do so, this office will not be able to attend to your request.

Total or partial reproduction of this page or its contents is prohibited without the express authorization of its owner.

Owner of the page and those responsible for the processing of your personal data


NIF B57727402.
Registered office: Avenida des Cap Vermell 153 07589 Canyamel-Capdepera (Mallorca).
Postal address: Vía Roma, nº 5, mezzanine 1º 07012 Palma de Mallorca
Contact telephone number: +34 971 252 700
Contact email:
Registration data in the Commercial Registry of Mallorca: Volume 2475 Folio 21 Sheet number PM68309.

This company is responsible for the processing of data related to the contact form and subscription to our newsletter.

In relation to data processing related to the submission of resumes, given that the job board is common to different companies in the group, as will be explained later, the co-responsible for this processing are the following companies:


All of them with:

Registered office at Avenida des Cap Vermell 153 07589 Canyamel-Capdepera (Mallorca).
Postal address at Vía Roma, nº 5, mezzanine 1º 07012 Palma de Mallorca
Telephone: +34 971 252 700
Contact email:

Why do we collect and process your data from this website?

The data of the users of this page will be processed for the following purposes

Data collected through the 2018/2019 Christmas Campaign form: by completing the sending form for the Christmas campaign “Be different and Solidarity” the personal data that you provide us and by accepting the bases of this solidarity campaign, Cap Vermell Group will register your email address and it will become part of its database for sending future Newsletters.

Data collected through the contact form: when you complete the contact form, the personal data that you voluntarily provide to us through the contact form will only be used to resolve the issue you raise in it and monitor your satisfaction. to our response.

Data collected through the subscription form to our newsletter: when you complete the subscription form, we will process your data in order to manage your registration on the list of recipients of electronic commercial communications from the Cap Vermell Group, aimed at informing you about products, services and special offers from Group companies and send you our newsletter.

At any time you may indicate to us that you no longer wish to receive these communications, using the free mechanism provided for this purpose at the bottom of each electronic communication we send you.

Data collected through the submission of resumes: the resume and the data requested in the submission form will be incorporated into the joint job pool of the companies mentioned in the “data controllers” section, and whose purpose is the management of the processes of personnel selection that we could carry out, current or future, to fill jobs at CAP VERMELL BEACH HOTEL, CAP VERMELL COUNTRY CLUB and our administrative services

Who can we communicate your data to?

In the case of the questions that you ask us through the contact form, if it is necessary to respond to your request, we will proceed to transfer the information to the affected group company. We will not make other transfers of the data that you bring to our knowledge except in case of legal obligation on our part.

Legal basis for processing and transferring your data

The legitimacy for our processing of the data you provide us through the contact form derives from your consent (article 6.1.a of the RGPD) and our legitimate interest in responding to your requests and monitoring your satisfaction with our response ( art. 6.1f of the GDPR). You may revoke this consent at any time, although not with retroactive effect.

The legitimacy for our processing of the data you provide us through the newsletter subscription form derives from your consent (article 6.1.a of the RGPD), which you may revoke that consent at any time, although not with retroactive effects. , being able to use the mechanism provided for this purpose in each commercial communication.

The legitimacy for our processing of your data to incorporate them into our job board derives from your consent to be included in it and participate in our personnel selection processes (article 6.1.a of the RGPD) and our legitimate interest in carry them out (art. 6.1f of the RGPD). You may revoke this consent at any time, although not with retroactive effect.

How long will we keep your data?

Contact: We will retain your data for the time necessary to respond to any requests or questions you raise and to monitor your satisfaction with our response.

Newsletter: We will keep your data as long as you do not tell us that you do not want to receive further commercial communications.

Job Board: so that your resume can be taken into account by our companies for future personnel needs that adapt to your profile, we inform you that we may keep the document you give us for ONE YEAR from its receipt. After this period, we will proceed to destroy it safely, without prior notice from us, so that, after that period, if you want to continue participating in our selection processes you must send us a new updated CV.

In all three cases, you should know that we will also keep the data for the periods provided for in the legal provisions that apply to each case, as well as for the time necessary to address possible responsibilities arising from the processing.

Data protection rights

Under the terms provided in current regulations, you can exercise your rights of access, opposition, rectification, cancellation, portability and limitation of processing before the companies responsible for each processing, by submitting a request accompanied by a copy of an official identity document at the address postcard indicated in the first section of this information, RGPD department, or by sending it by email to the address

You can find more information on how to exercise your rights by consulting the website of the Spanish Data Protection Agency:

Likewise, if you do not agree with the processing of your data that we carry out, you can file a claim with the Spanish Data Protection Agency or, if you reside in another country of the European Union, with the control authority of your country. You can find more information about this on the website of the Spanish Data Protection Agency:

Security measures

Cap Vermell Group is committed to complying with its obligation of confidentiality in relation to your personal data and its duty to store it, and will adopt the necessary measures to prevent its alteration, loss, treatment or unauthorized access, in accordance with the provisions by applicable regulations.

Intellectual property/trademarks

The reproduction, copy, use, distribution, commercialization, public communication or any other activity that may be carried out with the information contained in these web pages and that is carried out without express authorization by the companies of the Cap Vermell Group and/or of the owners of the brands, is an infraction punishable by current legislation.

The names and logos displayed on these pages are registered trademarks, property of Grupo Cap Vermell.

Cap Vermell Group rejects all responsibility arising from the misuse of the contents displayed on these pages and reserves the right to update, delete, establish limitations or restrict access at any time, temporarily or permanently.